Friday, January 20, 2017

What is MEAN ?

MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web sites and web applications.

The MEAN stack includes following

MEAN applications can be written in one language for both server-side and client-side environments.

Top 10 IT Skills in-demand on 2017 beginning

Top 10 IT Skills in-demand on 2017 beginning.

Here are those skills

1. Cloud and Distributed Computing
2. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
3. Web Architecture and Development Framework
4. Middleware and Integration Software
5. User Interface Design
6. Network and Information Security
7. Mobile Development
8. Data Presentation
9. SEO/SEM Marketing
10. Storage Systems and Management

In a post on LinkedIn, it is mentioned that demand for marketers is getting lighter when compared to last 2 years. Cloud and distributed computing remains as No.1 for the past two years.
User Interface design is increasingly in-demand among empoyers.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Tiliconveli inaugurated - 21 August 2016

Prabakaran Murugaiah, Founder & CEO,, inaugurated the Tiliconveli Tech Park, first of it's kind in Tirunelveli.

Total Capacity 1000 seats (600 day shift + 400 night shift)
State of Art Training Facility with Live streaming capability from USA
High speed Internet 100Mbps leased line
High Quality VOIP and Call center
Elevator and wheelchair accessible to all the floors
3000 Sq. Ft Cafeteria
Redundant backup power (Solar & Diesel)
24x7 Security and monitoring

PlugNPlay - Ready to start fully furnished office space (as small as 10 seats clusters)
Local recruitment support (Campus hiring, Drives, Walk-Ins)
Training support (Tech, English, Recruiting, BPO & KPO)
HR, Payroll, accounting and benefit management available
Affordable price